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Jiří Sojka (ČZU) (jiri.sojka) - Public Page

This public page user:jiri.sojka.txt, as stated by it's name, can be read by anyone but only you can edit it (or a superuser)…

  • You can introduce yourself, add links to your contributions in this wiki, tell a story or present your other works
  • Think about netiquette ;-)


  • You shouldn't create any other page in that namespace user:jiri.sojka
  • Only a superuser can add a picture

Feel free to remove this paragraph (beside the title)…
Now, write something! :-D

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user/jiri.sojka.txt · Poslední úprava: 29.10.2024 16:35 autor: Jiří Sojka (ČZU)